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AATT 2008 Official Tour Flyer

    » Current 'Trees related projects:

    And Also The Trees - 2007

    The new album is titled (Listen for) The Rag and Bone man. On every road since 12th. November 2007.

    The first ever AATT live DVD had been released August 2006 and can be ordered here. The DVD features the Geneva concert of the FFTT tour 2003 and three short films.

    » Other Projects:

    November, Simon's collaboration with Bernard Trontin of The Young Gods had been released on the swiss label Shayo Records (Martyn Bates, Sally Doherty, Julia Kent a.o.)

    Steven Burrows currently is working with Phillip Crowther on a collaboration project called 'The Bilderberg Group' and a solo release (while still member of AATT).

    » Beyond The Horizon
       ...A Homage to And Also The Trees


 External News Archive 


  November 20, 2007


    Anonymous Mike said...

    Het Kasteel is located in an ugly suburb full of ugly high-rise builings; it looks as if people were kept in tins there. There even is a gym in the same building. I'm glad I saw this depressing place only in the dark... no place could be less suited for an AATT-concert. But the staff of Het Kasteel was very friendly, the drinks were not too expensive and - to feed prejudices - after an hour or so the room was quite filled with the smell of cannabis and its derivates.

    There were about 50 or 60 people in the audience, many seemed to be mates of the support band. The audience was very quiet, but maybe this was caused by the marihuana... ;-) Of course, there was applause and so on, but there was hardly a reaction to whatever Simon spoke to the audience. And - just the opposite to London - nobody shouted for "Wallpaper Dying" or any other song ;-). They played for about 80 minutes, including just one encore. The gig in itself was cool, but the circumstances could have been better.

    You want to know about the setlist? Well, I do not want to spoil you. All I say is that it was different to London and Freiburg - watch out!

    PS: Maybe you know that Matt Devenish and Eza are part of CELLULOID. They have released an album just these days which is dirstributed via the Celluoid website only at the moment, but it also can be bought at the merchandise of the coming AATT-gigs. Give it a listen; it has actually nothing to do with AATT, but it's pretty cool (sometimes even cold)!

        21 November, 2007 10:53
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I wish, if anyone could take some pictures, to show how the city looked and smelled like, in the wake of the trees' cold dark tunes

        23 November, 2007 03:51
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Concert in Alphen by Mike2

    The Kasteel is located in the suburbs of Alphen a small town in midth of the Polderlandscape of the so-called 'Green heart of Holland'. Despite its 'green' location I found it rather to be a very modern town and the Kasteel is also located in a new building and not a Castle, as the name might suggest.

    I live in a town near Alphen and was very happy that one of my all time favorite bands was playing just in the neighborhood ...
    I did not listen to the new album yet, as the record shops do not sell it here by now, and therefore I was also very curious about the new songs...

    The audience was indeed small, no more than 70 people and there was much space (and air) left in the small concert hall. The acoustics of the venue were very good and they offered really low price for entrance (12Euro) and CDs (15Euro for an album). Unfortunately, a poster was not available, as the artwork of the new CD is really fitting and artistic from a photography point of view.

    The concert was great! Having seen the concert, I thought again that AATT is one of the most underrated bands around. Without any special effects they manage to create these dark and romantic moods and they really know how to create tension as well as beautiful melodies in their songs.

    Especially the opener Domed (In another land) with its great crescendo, the second song Shaletown (for feeling warped back to the eighties), Slow Pulse Boy (tension) and Beautiful Silence (great melodies) I remember as highlights of the concert. As an extra song they played the intense 'Rive Droite' with lyrics fitting to the end of the concert.
    A second time they did not come back to the stage, though for a moment it seemed so. However, Simon came to the merchendise later and signed a few CDs. Then the concert was over and some people enjoyed a Hertog Jan beer van tap, offered in the small pub next to the concert hall.

    On the way home by bus I was listening to the new CD and I found it quite a good soundtrack for driving with the bus through the polders in a november night ;)

        23 November, 2007 13:25
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It was the biggest gift to receive an almost private concert of my favourite musicians / poets. Alphen needed some beauty spreading around its ugly shaped surroundings - And Also The Trees more than succeeded in giving this to me and this dreadfull town. Thank you for coming to the Netherlands. It was one of the best presents I ever got and the concert was magnificient. Whatever lacks all of us in tearing city life - you were able to make us forget it all with this one night of Magic - it still continues in my head and heart.

        05 July, 2008 01:20
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It was the biggest gift to receive an almost private concert of my favourite musicians / poets. Alphen needed some beauty spreading around its ugly shaped surroundings - And Also The Trees more than succeeded in giving this to me and this dreadfull town. Thank you for coming to the Netherlands. It was one of the best presents I ever got and the concert was magnificient. Whatever lacks all of us in tearing city life - you were able to make us forget it all with this one night of Magic - it still continues in my head and heart.

        05 July, 2008 01:20


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Special Thanks & Credits

Steven Burrows for his outstanding support
& the other boys of And Also The Trees

"Mr. B." Lars Brössler, Benjamin Klug
for tech advice & web space