» Leipzig
And Also The Trees have performed a short set in Leipzig at the WGT on the Parkbühne.
If you find any web-sites with AATT live photos or reviews of that gig please post a link here in the comments or in the 'Fan Forum'. You may also like to send them if you have taken pictures or did a review yourself.
Labels: Live
oh, ein schönes konzert...
mit passendem englischen regen *g* und leider viel zu vielen regenschirmen... und viel viel viel zu kurz... *seufz* ... und inklusive meinem lieblingslied
Here some additional pictures from Leipzig. Thanks for Boa & Geli for contributing.
(Use the browser's back button to return here)
Nice pictures. Thanks.
Emer looks pretty with black hair
Warte gespannt auf die Setlist...
Pat, here is the playlist in case you didn't find Achim's post ;-)
A Room Lives In Lucy
Brother Fear
Slow Pulse Boy
In My House
Maps In Her Wrists And Arms
Virus Meadow
You might like to view or discuss two great photos I found on 'fotocommunity':
* Sandro Griesbach shot another emotional photo during an energetic moment of Simon.
* Claudia Schöne did that excellent picture during a more introvert moment of one song.
If you wonder how rainy it has been take a look at some of Achim Joehnk's pictures:
<< Open air 1 >>
<< Open air 2 >>
In addition Claudia Schöne kindly did contribute these pictures:
<< Simon >>
<< Justin >>
<< Eza >>
<< Emer >>
<< Justin & Paul>>
<< AATT >>
(Use the browser's back button to return here)
Possibly also of interest is the excerpt with the impression the 'Leipziger Volkszeitung' had about And Also The Trees performing during the WGT:
"... Der anhaltende Regen von Sonnabend trieb dann auf der Bühne im Clara-Park selbst den Lederjacken-Trägern die Sorgenfalten zwischen die gepiercten Augenbrauen und den Irokesenschnitt: "Eindeutig zu nass. Im Zelt krieg' ich die Klamotten nie trocken." Da half es wenig, dass vorn am Mikro Simon Huw Jones, Sänger von And Also The Trees, betonte, wie schön es sei, hier zu sein. "It's a real pleasure." Die Veteranen im Publikum kennen die Band seit Anfang der 80er, als sie mit The Cure tourte. Zu Songs wie "Slow Pulse Boy" gehen Blitze am Himmel okay. Trügerisch nur das Versprechen des Sängers (Prädikat: charismatisch) gegen Ende des zu kurzen Auftritts. "Tomorrow the sun will shine."
Ganz unrecht hatte er nicht..."
© Leipziger Volkszeitung vom Montag, 16. Mai 2005
Please find here a 'case-study' of how much Simon is immersed with his whole body & soul during a performance.
Simon 1
Simon 2
Simon 3
Simon 4
Simon 5
Simon 6
(Use the browser's back button to return here)
Thanks to Sandro Griesbach for allowing some another excellent photos to be used on this site.
You can find a short review of the WGT with some photos on Moving Handse-zine featuring AATT:
"...This is also a band that has been around for a very long time and who are still going strong and better than ever. This is our first live experience of AATT and we are not disappointed... now we know for sure what we always thought; these are some great musicians. Everything is played live, from the easiest little keyboard line to the most complicated textures of intensive sound... If you ever get the chance to see this fabulous act live, don?t miss it!"
A view more bits regarding Leipzig...
You can find WGT festival impressions which reviews also the AATT show in the German AMBOSS-MAG (find the review here ) and the british EOL-Audio.
And another bunch of nice photos contributed by Amador & Sandra from Barcelona:
View from the audiance
Jones Brothers 1
Jones Brothers 2
View at the audiance
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